
Showing posts from September, 2019

A note on Self-Esteem and the day that went blah!

    This is some kick-ass effort I am taking every day, and I am actually surprised to see this side of me where I am pushing myself to do this every day and damn from this now I can clearly say " If there are will and determination, everything is possible   in life, everything ", and I am a living example of that ( did I say too much? aaah chuck it ).     Life's hard. PERIOD.     But it's we who decide whether it has to fun fun hard or curse curse hard. The choice is ours and it matters, not to others but for ourself.     Something I understood ( not recently, but it's the first time writing about it so ) is that there's something called self-esteem and it's a very important and integral part of our life. Let it be from asking for something or doing something if you feel you are putting your self-esteem on stake, think once, think twice, think as many times as you want and let it sink that nothing is above your self-esteem, if you lose it, that

What is this 'thing' a Dairy? A Blog? What the fudge is this guy doing?

    It's just been 2 days since I started writing this 'thing' whatever I call it a Blog, or a Dairy, I don't know but to be honest, I am actually having fun and surprisingly it's making me happy also. I don't know if it's because of the reason that I started writing or because of the unconventional and surprising support I am getting for starting an adventure like this ( aye aye captain, it is an adventure), and that's is something that only time tell me. But ladies and gentlemen, I would like to think that it's because of the reason that I am writing but the real and high chances are that, it the other way around ( such a controversial character I am machaa, what is this? Stick on to something no? ). But as of now, I am not trying to think too much on that because I am already an overthinker and I don't want to put pressure on myself on this now ( damn this guy, in the last post he said he wanted pressure to get things done and now he's li

Tougher than I thought

    Damn, yesterday was someday ufff! The responses from you were craaaaaazy awesome and yeah I am not going to stop blogging. But now here's this weird thinking pattern that goes about like "OMG, people are actually reading my blog and I need to write better or I need to put more content in it aaaah FML...". I am happy that I was getting a lot more appreciation than I expected, but at the same time it got me tensed and as usual, I talked it out to Saty and she was like "Duuuude, just keep writing, don't bother about anything else and write for yourself ".      The last word she uttered and that got me like "I didn't start because I wanted to be a blogger, I started because I wanted to help myself and others who were going on my same track". And that's when I actually made peace with myself.     Now to the real motive of the blog: I am really really lazy person, I need the pressure to work or otherwise, I would just slack off. S

You have to start someday..

    It's been really long since I decided on such a big commitment in my life. You might be wondering what's the big deal he's talking about, without much suspense I am going to break it out to you. I am going to blog every day  (might sound stupid, but this is something I always wanted to do). I am not an avid reader or a frequent writer but this a choice I had to make and I am making it.     For those of who do not know me, I am Abhishek Chandraseanan, as I write this I am 22M pursuing my final year in bachelors on Computer Science in Govt. Model Engineering College. The cliche choice of CSE because I was good at CS in my school and I thought I was the best C++ programmer out there only to find out that the C++ in our school curriculum " Turbo C++ ",    was nothing but some old outdated stuff, I was devastated and I had no idea what to do but just think and think about it.     So this blog is basically for all those people who are trying to figure out what