What is this 'thing' a Dairy? A Blog? What the fudge is this guy doing?

    It's just been 2 days since I started writing this 'thing' whatever I call it a Blog, or a Dairy, I don't know but to be honest, I am actually having fun and surprisingly it's making me happy also. I don't know if it's because of the reason that I started writing or because of the unconventional and surprising support I am getting for starting an adventure like this ( aye aye captain, it is an adventure), and that's is something that only time tell me. But ladies and gentlemen, I would like to think that it's because of the reason that I am writing but the real and high chances are that, it the other way around ( such a controversial character I am machaa, what is this? Stick on to something no? ). But as of now, I am not trying to think too much on that because I am already an overthinker and I don't want to put pressure on myself on this now ( damn this guy, in the last post he said he wanted pressure to get things done and now he's like he doesn't want pressure, is he even sane?). The pressure I mentioned in the 2 scenarios are entirely different, so here what I mean by pressure is ( damn, this is confusing ) I am thinking too much on why I am writing this so-called 'thing' but in the previous 'thing' what I meant was the pressure which was making me do things in order to write this 'thing'. ( you might want to re-read so that you can really understand ).

    Now the question of what this thing is. When I started this so-called adventure I had one thing in my mind "Do something so that I can write about it". But from "analysing" from the past 2 posts, I see that I am actually shit posting about how my day went (89.987% of the content) and actually only rest of the % about what I productively did something for the day.

    So from the previous 'data' ( it feels good when you use technical terms" ) what I am deciding  is:

"I am going to write, for me, every day, no matter how stupid the content is, no matter how less the content is, no matter what others think of this 'thing', I am going to write, because if I don't I wouldn't know how things work out for me, I have quit so much of things halfway but this time I am not letting this go because I want to see what it feels like to hold on to something".

And about this 'thing' helping others, it was a hard realisation but what I realised is that I can't give something if I do not have that something, but I can choose to make it and then start giving it out, so in this so-called adventure the end results what I see is 2 things:
1. I will be doing something which actually makes me happy.
2. I will be learning things, doing those things and I would be posting that, and I think would do the magic of helping.

    So, that was on defining what this 'thing' is, I still don't know and I don't want to break my head also in figuring that part out, but we got all the time in the world for naming it! ;) But here I am really focusing on not to miss even a single day so hope it turns out a good experience at the end of the day.

    But guys, this is some high investing time adventure, to be honest, but I guess I am actually liking it and it will be worth the investment. 

    So to the technical advancements that happened today ( damn so formal :') ):
  1. Slept off while reading the book. ( Learning is not easy! )    
  2. Did 2 problems in HackerRank ( I am able to do things better than last time, I am able to think faster [ everything comparison has nothing to do with others, it's me v/s me every time] ).
    I know that this is not enough and this not okay at all and I can justify myself why I was not able to do it but not this time, time to actually take ownership of things I do, let it be good or the way around. The reason is that:

"You will have and find time for things you really want to do, no matter what! PERIOD" 

   On that last note, my current priority is to pass my internals, so that's it for today. 

   Adios, and have a good day or a good night and happy hacking people. \m/



  1. Nice blog man. I’ve been meaning to start writing regularly too. It’s a great habit.
    And kudos on your journey to become a pro coder. ����
    Soon you’ll be all Hollywood and “I’m in, I’m in the mainframe” (die hard 4 reference... or any movie with hacking in it for that matter). But yeah, keep up ����

    1. Hey Ankur, dude seriously nothing can express my excitement right now, it means a lot.
      Still a lot to learn and experience but, one day at a time.
      Hahaha yes one day I will in mainframe ;)


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