Yes! It's me I'm Back but don't know for how long

From giving a public announcement of daily blogging to not even posting a single one, here I stand, ashamed, disappointed and guilty. This is not the first time it's happening and people who have read my previous post would know the same. But for now, let's not get negative and ruin the whole mood no? I started writing that's a good thing (I know it doesn't matter to you much but it does to me.) Thank you to those people who motivated me to write when I started this blog and to people who still keep on checking the blog page (I get the stats). Sooooooo let's begin?

It's just been less than 3 months but lots have changed, seems like a looooooong time!

When people say that you should never settle and hustle every day because if you don't, you will get so lazy to get out of your comfort zone and you wouldn't reach your complete potential.

It's not that I wasn't hustling or anything, but I got pretty settled up in my comfort zone once I got placement offer from college (yeah yeah I know, I finally have a job [ broke as fuck please don't ask for treats :sorry: ]) and from there things started to take a turn. I became more chill, I was least bothered about my personal motivation, my promises that I gave myself, I put on a hold to my rage that was pushing me every day to learn, code and try out new things.

Things are not easy in life, it takes effort, it takes sacrifice because life is not a 'WISH GRANTING MACHINE', if it was, we wouldn't have been sad, irritated or in any sort of emotion that is not par with HAPPINESS.

Life's not a piece of cake that you get to eat when you attend to a birthday party, instead, life is like an onion which finally becomes into aromatic beautiful tasty curry (I know it's too many adjectives but to give you the context that was necessary), the reason why I compared life with onion is because of two things one it's freaking expensive and second is the core concept behind it ( it's purely my imagination and any resemblances has nothing to do with anything). So before the aromatic beautiful tasty curry is made you look at that onion, and you will be like 'hey it's easy af' and you take it lightly but when you start slice or dice onions you realise that it's not easy perhaps it's tougher because when you start doing it, it makes your eyes go red, you start crying, you have running nose and you get irritated, and finally when you are done slicing onions you look and you feel proud ki you did it and in the end you make your aromatic beautiful tasty curry. The point here is life's not easy as it looks its all experiences and lessons from every step that makes you what you are. EMBRACE IT. Life is not about making just a single aromatic beautiful tasty curry it's about making millions of aromatic beautiful tasty curries which will make you cry and go through a lot of hardship but in the end just know ki it's going to be worth it.

From the day I got placed, I haven't gotten up early, I haven't coded, I didn't hit the gym, all I did was sleep, eat, call, game and slack. But it's high time that I realise that I have to step up, roll my sleeves and get the party going hard (this particular feeling hits me hard, it goes even faster) the point is I don't wanna slack, I don't wanna be in my comfort zone,I want to push myself every second and I know that only thing that is stopping me from what I want is 'me', it's not easy to embrace that feeling, because introspecting my whole life in a glance it's been always me. Either me being selfish, self-centred, or ego so high that I can't give up. I have come a long way from all that but as humans we all are selfish, I am, and I am not ashamed of telling it also because I love myself more than anyone in this world and I will do anything and everything to make my soul and body happy but without compromising on health because health is wealth.

The reason I wanted to blog was to focus my mind with doing something that will keep me motivated to do better every day and I think I didn't have the need to blog to make myself motivated because  in the last 3 months I think I found someone who makes me go crazy, insane, sane, motivated, super distracted, motivated and whatnot, a complete package who is so good, so good that it feels home. Not just home but a personal trainer who pushes me every day to be better at what I do, what I am and what I aspire to be. She pushes me every day so hard that I forgot how to push myself, so when she's not around it's becoming difficult. (the downfalls of being dependent when you both are not in the same space). This is when people have to understand the importance of pushing ourself no matter what because you are the only constant in your life, you are the only person who wouldn't give up on you, you are the only person who wouldn't lose hope on you because you only live once and you have to make use of it. These realisations may come up in a single day or in a year, but whatever happens, you have to experience it first hand only then we get to understand. People stupid, at least I am because we are told so many things by our peers or other people but we wouldn't care or take it seriously till the moment it hits us hard. Maybe that's how normal human beings are tuned to. But I want to grow from it, if not today someday, one day at a time I will try harder.

So so so, semester exam have begun and that's when I suppose all your creativity sprouts and you feel like doing a lot of stuff, and look who's writing the blog me :LOL: But this feels good to know that words are pouring down and I have tons to write more, maybe I'll save all that up for the next one.

Daily blogging is very tedious task so I am planning to do minimum 1 per week and I want to check how much I can take it and do it, because from what I have understood is just because I say can do it doesn't mean I can do it, so it's all a trial and error and method, I understood that daily blogging is difficult so weekly blogging. Action speaks louder than words.

Let's have a clear idea on what we can do, cannot do, let's make a list, let's chart it down, and then do those with 110%, with all we got because even though I believe having a rebirth in next era it's not going to be the same no? So let's make use of what we have because we are a crazy bunch of people.

The takeaway from last almost 3 months is that:
So have a craaazy December and have a happy day! \m/


  1. It hurts to dice em but onions are worth the effort...
    Good read, dude :)


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